4 little, 5 little, 6 little Indians...
The whole Akins Indian nation arrived on the campus of Big Sis University to surprise her for their Thanksgiving lunch. Her class was the first to come down the hall at 10:54 am - really, who eats lunch at 10:54 am? - and she saw all of us taking up the hallway in front of the cafeteria. She had a mix of excitement, embarrassment and panic at how she was going to finagle her family into her schedule because if that Big Sis is one thing, she is a rule follower.
So she gave us a big wave and then walked right by, hightailing herself right on into the lunchroom.
Thankfully, Mr. Important Daddy got us in the door and yelled up ahead for Big Sis to step out of line and wait for us.
Step out of line????
She kept walking, she looked back, she kept walking, she looked back.
Finally Mr. Important physically pulled her out, letting her know she would not get into trouble. Really? Doesn't she know that if she gets into trouble she'll just get sent to her Daddy's office? She's got him wrapped around her finger so that really shouldn't be of concern, right? Her concern for rule following obviously was not a trait she got from her mother.
I am a sucker for cafeteria-style turkey and dressing and ate 3 trays worth. I was definitely not the mom telling her children to make sure and finish their food. I was definitely telling them to NOT eat the dressing and send it down the line to Mommy because they probably wouldn't like it anyway.
If I'm one thing, it's selfless.
The 14 minute lunch flew by with nary a fuss from the baby Indians. My mission was to keep their mouths full at all times with goldfish, granola bars and grapes (NOT the dressing - they probably wouldn't have liked it anyway) and I'd rate myself successful.
It was fun to be in Big Sis' world if only for a few minutes. Putting names with faces of all her little new friends and walking the same hallways she walks everyday.
I miss that little Indian.
Love it! We went and ate with RK and I feel the same way about the dressing...I went back the next day and volunteered and heard parents saying "oh I'm not gonna eat". I wanted to ask them to send it out to me...You are selfless! Much like Epworth days and me telling my kids they weren't allowed to NOT get 2 cookies...even if they weren't eating them---send em to me. I wanted to save them from all that sugar. :) We're givers...
Those are some cute Indians! Rule follower - girl after my own heart : )
Little Indian princess - why are some of us wired to follow rules to the letter? I'm still that way.
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