Friday, December 24, 2010

Some mail for your mailbox.

Since the greater majority of you probably did not receive a Christmas card from us this year, you are in luck. And the fact that I only ordered 24 cards has been duly noted in my "Notes for Christmas 2011" notebook. Along with the fact that they weren't even cards. They were magnets. That's what I get for ordering online after midnight. But really, it was all in the plan. I wanted 24 people (including us) to be able to display our bootiful faces all year long. For the rest of you, you'll just have to settle for our bootiful faces on your computer.

Merry Christmas blog readers.

All both of you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Buster's 4!

Buster Boy,

My how you've grown.

I told you the story of your actual day of birth tonight at bedtime and that day seems like yesterday. I told you about how you came out of my tummy a very sick little baby and how Mommy and Daddy spent most of your "birth day" crying more than you did! But you showed us what a tough little booger you were and we can CLEARLY see that strength to this day. Just tonight, you whipped your Daddy in wrestling (but to your advantage, you're the only one allowed to kick, which ultimately won the match for you).

At dinner we went around that table and each shared our favorite characteristic about you. Big Sis said she loves that you are NICE (even gave an example of you sharing toys in the van without her having to ask). Tiny Miss said (through interpretation) she loves that you also have a Bunny lovey like her. Wild Man (also through interpretation) said he loves to wrestle you with shirts off every night. Daddy said you are the perfect mix of wild and sweet. I told you that I love how complimentary you are of people. You always tell me you like my shoes or my hair or my earrings and you freely give those compliments to others. (hint hint - the ladies LOVE this!)

You are at such a fun stage right now. You're not a toddler but not quite a big kid yet. You love baseball and monster trucks and are 100% boy, yet you crawl in my bed every morning when Daddy gets out and snuggle up til the sun comes up. For this, I'm planning to keep you 4 years old for a couple of years so as to avoid you leaving me for kindergarten. I think that plan will work nicely. You can already write your name well so there's no rush for school, right? :)

We had a blast with you today. Your birthday falls on a great day when Big Sis and Daddy don't have to be in school and the whole family can be together to celebrate. A morning baseball game with all your new baseball equipment, lunch at your choice of Applebees, Toy Story 3 movie time, and a monster truck cake to top it all off made for such a fun day.

Can't wait to see the Year of 4. I love you Buster Boy. More than words.


Here's the highlights from your day...

Favorite present from Big Sis - a REAL baseball helmet!

Yes, we have our own baseball team.

Water Break! It's been a tough game for the Cardinals (Daddy + babies) because the Braves (Mommy + big kids) kept getting home runs.

Look at those cute fans on the bleachers!

Mommy's attempt at monster truck building.

Happy Birthday buddy!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Airing out my dirty laundry.

So I missed a day or three of laundry duty. I was waiting for the maid to show up and she bailed. Something about us not paying her enough. Whatever. So I had to hunker down and do it myself.

The laundry train showed up to help. Or actually, notsomuch help as to dump out 4 baskets worth of dirty clothes onto the kitchen floor. Pure awesomeness.

So I kicked them out. If I had done any laundry the previous days, they may have had clothes to wear. Thankfully, it didn't seem to hinder Tiny Miss trickin' out her board.

Clearly they were having the time of their lives.

And here's the end result. A couch of smelly freshness. Now I'm just hoping the maid gets her bohonkus over here to fold these clothes.

Friday, December 17, 2010

O Happy Day

I'm just glad Santa got an earful of what I get to listen to all day. I think he's going to bring me some earplugs in my stocking this year.